This is a simple bass lesson on the Major Scale for beginners.
What Is A Scale?
A scale is any set of notes in alphabetical order between a root note and its octave. A root (or tonic) is the first note of a scale.
Here are the notes in the C Major scale:
Building A Major Scale
Scales are created using different combinations of whole and half steps.
- A half step, or semitone, is the distance between two notes played one fret apart from each other on the bass.
- A whole step, or tone, is a distance of two frets.
In a major scale, the formula is:
Whole – Whole – Half – Whole – Whole – Whole – Half
The C Major Scale
We are going to play this scale starting on the third fret of the A string. Using the formula above, the notes can be worked out by adding a whole or half step each time.
Here is the scale notated:
Moving Scales Around The Neck
To practice moving this pattern around the neck, you can repeat the scale moving up one fret each time. So if you started on C, you would play a C Major, then a C# Major, then a D Major etc.
You can also play this shape starting on the E string. Try the same exercise starting on the G on the third fret of the E string.
Try alternating the fingers on your right hand for a harder challenge.
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good stuff :)
I learned a lot from this video. Thanks. Great video, lesson.
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Excellent video, very descriptive. Thank you!
Thank you! Very helpful.
Excellent lesson. The lightbulb just came on about major scales!!!! Thank You!
you are awesome
Good start for beginners
How I can download video for the bass lesson on the Major Scale for beginners.
Very Thorough. Complicated, yet simplified. I have watched a few of your vids. Very satisfied!
Thanks. Just started learning the bass guitar and found this theory lesson very intuitive. Also helped with my understanding of playing the acoustic guitar.
I luv it!!!
what are you all talking about…? its not easy to understand??? its too fast shown…..cant see where he is placing fingers…..too far away ???
I took bass lesons for 2 years and my teacher did not take the time to explain the major as well or clearly as you did in this lesson. So glad I found your!
Awesome, it takes a little while to get used to the frets being so far appart, which finger to use and when, but it will come together with practice. Thanks for a great introduction to beginning to play the bass guitar.
Very helpful
Really great teaching Mark, thank you.
It is so great to have a well-educated teacher. I think you really are the best. Justin Sandercoe is a really nice guy and makes a lot of his material available for everyone. But you know music theory far better than, and that makes a good deal of difference. I’ve been trying to figure out scales on guitar for a long time, and on one of your videos, you cleared the whole thing up in just a couple of minutes!
BTW, I’m considering the bass as a slightly altered instrument from the guitar. For instance, the Eddy Ate Dynamite Good Bye Eddie acronym even though it only goes to “good” on the bass is still helpful in learning both the bass and the guitar. Also – my own thought on the subjecct – there’s nothing mean about the acronym, for if one notices Wile E. Coyote’s middle name, there’s an E, and it stands for Eddy, and everyone knows that despite whatever happens to Eddie, he’s perfectly fine in the next scene.
you are very well knowledge in your field, a great bass player and teacher. I am a beginner and never thought it would be so much fun learning how to play the bass. thanks and keep up the great work.
Thank you. Been playing 30ish years. I’ve always wanted to take lessons for theory purposes mostly, but also technique. Love your explanations. Thanks again.
Hi, I believe this is incorrect. A whole step would be two frets while a half step would be one fret.
I took bass lesons for 2 years and my teacher did not take the time to explain the major as well or clearly as you did in this lesson. So glad I found your!
Still working on my scales. It’s starting to kick in. Break down the scales and you have your triads and chord patterns. Yeppy! Retired at 69 and having fun learning the bass. You really keep my interest. You’re like a one-on-one instructor. Please keep the lessons coming!
Excellent n powerful teaching
you loook like shane mcmohan from wwe
Excellent teaching !!
I’m struggling with this lesson. My fingers don’t stretch that far apart when trying to do the Major C scale. Getting fingers 2 and 4 on the correct frets is challenging, and i’m not sure if i can physically do it. I hope all i need is practice and i don’t have a physical limitation here. Its seems to only be a big problem in the tone of C, as the frets a furthest apart here. The Major scales for D and E are still difficult, but seem to be easier with practice.
Best lessons on scales! 😊
Kudoos!! I love it!!
How can I Get It app
I like the lesson
In order to proof the quality of a teacher, just take a look on how he/she explains BASICS. Mark is a perfect teacher at any skill level and a brillant musican.
His videos, the way he explains, his textual documentations, the whole pedagogical concept are “erste Sahne”*. Chapeau!
*german, meaning something like “crème de la crème” ;)
Hey! I get the whole whole half whole whole whole half. But im confused c d e, isnt e a whole step?
Im thinking d# is a half step up from d?
All the best and thanks for the great vids.Kurt
C to D is a whole step, D to E is a whole step, E to F is a half step, F to G is a whole step, G to A is a whole step, A to B is a whole step, B to C is a half step.
Excellent. Thank you!
Thank you very much, you are doing an incredible job.
Great lesson!!!
Great intro to scales. Makes me want to pick up my Bass now
Very good teacher. Tumba UP!