A Lifetime Of Practice Material
53 Step By Step lessons that will change your bass playing forever!

Chord Tone Essentials was a great experience. I don’t think you could ever progress from an intermediate level without this foundation – eliminates just noodling on Pentatonics!
David Willis – USA

Chord Tone Essentials is a great course. I have played guitar for 40 years and thought I understood a fair bit of theory but Mark’s approach is an eye opener.
Trevor Boyd – UK

Streaming Video Lessons
Over 8 hours of video spread over 53 lessons. All video streamed from Talkingbass. So no need for downloads and no wasting your precious hard drive space on gigabytes of video files!

Streaming Video Lessons
Over 8 hours of video spread over 53 lessons. All video streamed from Talkingbass. So no need for downloads and no wasting your precious hard drive space on gigabytes of video files!
PDF Lesson Workbook
124 pages of lesson material spread over 3 workbooks containing exercises and info for every lesson. Download the PDF to your computer or open directly from your web browser

PDF Lesson Workbook
124 pages of lesson material spread over 3 workbooks containing exercises and info for every lesson. Download the PDF to your computer or open directly from your web browser

Audio Practice Tracks
Backing tracks in a variety of styles allow you to apply the chord tone concepts in your daily bass practice

Audio Practice Tracks
Backing tracks in a variety of styles allow you to apply the chord tone concepts in your daily bass practice
Track Your Progress
Progress tracking saved to your Talkingbass account. Never lose your place again!

Track Your Progress
Progress tracking saved to your Talkingbass account. Never lose your place again!

Chord Tone Essentials provides literally years of material for you to work on and improve your bass playing.
David Kilborn – Canada

Chord Tone Essentials will improve your playing and guide you through the steps to becoming the player you want to be.
Paul Wright – UK

Chord Tone Essentials is a great way to learn music theory and it’s application to the instrument.
Don Baranowski – USA