The Cyborg Bassist – Triad Mastery (Ebook & Course)
This is the latest in the Cyborg Bassist series of Ebooks from Talkingbass. In the previous books we looked at the Major and Minor scales in all keys. In this volume we’re moving into the realm of chord tones. Specifically, Triads!
The etudes in this book will improve every area of your technique. Your fretting hand, your position shifts and your fingerpicking will all improve as a result of working through the lines. You’ll also improve your knowledge of chord tones through every triad: Major, Minor, Augmented and Diminished from every chromatic root note.
Book Breakdown:
Part 1: Study Tips & Primers
- 1: Introduction – An overview of the book and how it will improve your playing
- 2: How To Use This Book – Tips on how best to integrate the book into your practice
- 3: Fingerings – Guidance for following the fingering indication throughout the etudes
- 4: Triad Construction – Guide To how Triads are formed. This is the ‘Theory’ section of the book!
- 5: Positions – Information on how to view the bass fretboard and transit through the areas within each etude
- 6: Triad Spellings – Spelling reference for every possible Triad.
- 7: Playing Through The Cycle – Guide to the Circle Of Fifths and how both cycles are used throughout the etudes
- 8: Tips For Practice – Details on how best to approach the learning and practice of every etude
- 9: The Five Core Exercises – Explanation of the melodic sequences for each Triad
Part 2: Bass Lines & Analysis
This is the core material of the book. There are five etudes per Triad type:
- Etude #1: Major Triad In Two Octaves
- Etude #2: Major Triad – Three Note Sequential Inversions
- Etude #3: Major Triad – Four Note Sequential Inversions
- Etude #4: Major Triad – Sequential Lower Turns
- Etude #5: Major Triad – Sequential Upper Turns
- Etude #6: Minor Triad In Two Octaves
- Etude #7: Minor Triad – Three Note Sequential Inversions
- Etude #8: Minor Triad – Four Note Sequential Inversions
- Etude #9: Minor Triad – Sequential Lower Turns
- Etude #10: Minor Triad – Sequential Upper Turns
- Etude #11: Augmented Triad In Two Octaves
- Etude #12: Augmented Triad – Three Note Sequential Inversions
- Etude #13: Augmented Triad – Four Note Sequential Inversions
- Etude #14: Augmented Triad – Sequential Lower Turns
- Etude #15: Augmented Triad – Sequential Upper Turns
- Etude #16: Diminished Triad In Two Octaves
- Etude #17: Diminished Triad – Three Note Sequential Inversions
- Etude #18: Diminished Triad – Four Note Sequential Inversions
- Etude #19: Diminished Triad – Sequential Lower Turns
- Etude #20: Diminished Triad – Sequential Upper Turn
Sample Etude #1
Below we see Etude #1 taken from Cyborg Bassist Volume 3. This is the most basic of etudes running a basic Major Triad in two octaves through the Cycle Of Fourths.
The Etude is in 5/4 to allow for a smooth transition from one arpeggio to the next. No tempo marking is given since speed is not the main concern here although you can perform the line up to any tempo.
Etude Demonstration:
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